Beaumont Primary School


At Beaumont, we have a culture of encouraging high attendance levels in recognition of the close link between good attendance and maximising educational success whilst children are with us at this school, but also for their longer term education pathway, employment opportunities and life experiences.  We believe it instils good habits for so many aspects of the children’s future lives.

The Department of Employment recommends 96% as the minimum attendance level which schools – and by extension parents – should focus upon.  Whilst recognising that longer term illness, hospitalisation and medical conditions often are the reason for an individual year’s attendance falling below this level, at Beaumont we always investigate patterns of recurrent, random short term illnesses over longer periods of time.  As such, we pay very close attention to reasons for non-attendance.

When a child is unable to attend school due to illness, the school must be advised preferably before 9am – however, at the latest, by 10am on the first day of absence.  The Attendance Officer will telephone and/or text parents if this does not happen.

The attendance register is taken promptly at 9am ready for the children’s educational day to begin.  Punctuality plays another important role in starting the pupils’ day off positively, as well as establishing good practice for when they move to senior school and then the world of work.

If a pupil arrives after 9am, they must be accompanied to the school office to ensure they arrive safely in school and that their reason for lateness is explained by their accompanying adult, rather than themselves.  If they arrive after 9.15am, their lateness is classed as unauthorised and impacts on their overall attendance percentage.

Persistent absence / lateness are both considered to be causes for concern for children beyond the realm of education encompassing potential issues with regard to their welfare and safeguarding.  As such, when this happens there may be reason to refer the matter to the Educational Welfare Officer.

Arrival and Collection times for all year groups are below:-

Year Group Arrival Time Collection Time Gate
Reception 8.40am 3.10pm Double gate
Year 1 8.30am 3.10pm Double gate
Year 2 8.30am 3.10pm Double gate
Year 3 8.30am 3.15pm Double gate
Year 4 8.30am 3.15pm Double gate
Year 5 8.30am 3.15pm Double gate
Year 6 8.30am 3.15pm Double gate

Reward and Recognition

To recognise, encourage and demonstrate the importance Beaumont places on attendance and punctuality, pupils are rewarded at the end each week for 100% attendance and 100% punctuality across the class.  At the end of the term, 100% attendance is rewarded individually.

Medical / dental appointments

Appointments during the school day should be avoided as much as possible due to the disruption to a child’s day.  We therefore ask that parents always request non-urgent medical and dental appointment times after the end of the school day or during school holidays; or where this is unavoidable, that they minimise the impact on the school day.

When a child is taken out of school during the school day (for whatever reason) they should be collected from the School Office.  A "Notification of taking a child out of school during the school day" form will need to be completed, please click here for the form. A child is not permitted to leave during the school day on their own.

Holiday during term time

Given the 175 days when children are NOT in school, approximately 13 weeks of school holidays during the year, holidays during term time should be avoided other than in exceptional circumstances.  Any applications should be made to the Headteacher, (please click here for the form) recognising that 5 days authorised leave is the maximum the Headteacher is allowed to authorise in such exceptional circumstances.

For more information on attendance, please refer to our Attendance Policy